
Environmental policy

Skultuna Brukshotell AB operates a hotel, restaurant and conference facility in Skultuna. The business should be a company that works for a better environment by constantly evaluating what they do based on its environmental impact. The Company´s Environmental Policy is in line with ISO 14001:2015.  


Our goals should therefore be to:

  • increase knowledge and raise awareness of environmental issues among all employees
  • influence, demand and collaborate with other companies, suppliers, authorities and organisations
  • see to our environmental improvement measures such as investments
  • prevent pollution in air, soil and water by considering the environmental impact of what we do
  • constantly strive to improve the utilisation of their resources within the company

Environmental organisation
As of 2019, environmental issues are driven by a special environmental manager, Leena Haugli, co-owner. Through the environmental manager, coordination and integration in the business and with their suppliers is increased. The company´s environmental work, which started as early as 2018, includes projects and activities related to all activities in the company. 

In order to achieve a harmonisation and standardisation of their quality work in the long term, integration is taking place in connection with their business development. 

Through continuous staff meetings, discussions with customers and suppliers, they can help move the environmental work forward throughout the company. 


Action plan


Skultuna Brukshotell AB has drawn up an action plan based on their objectives.


The Action Plan includes:


  • Recycling: Recycling their waste and leaving paper for recycling.
  • Energy saving measures: Increase the use of computers and adequate software to reduce paper usage to disseminate information to staff, customers and suppliers. The company uses low-energy lamps in the lighting fixtures where possible. Reduce energy and water consumption with the "Help us save our planet" sign where no unnecessary cleaning needs to occur.
  • Environmentally-friendly purchases:
    • Environmental requirements for our products and services: The company strives to remove products and services from the business that are not manufactured in an environmentally friendly way or that contain environmentally hazardous substances.
    • Environmental requirements for our suppliers: The company tries to influence their main suppliers to always take environmental aspects into account in their production and operations.
    • Environmental information for employees, customers and suppliers: All employees in the business must know about the company's environmental goals. This is followed up regularly at staff meetings once a month where new information is also provided. Through oral and written communication, their customers are informed of their ongoing environmental work. With the company's suppliers, they have an ongoing dialogue about environmental improvement measures.
    • Food waste: Note and analyse the company's and customers' food waste at every meal.

For more information about our environmental policy and initiatives, please contact Leena Haugli at [email protected]




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